For several years now, I continue to have a fascination with Massive Open Onlinie Courses (MOOCs) and their evolution in the corporate world. MOOCs started out in the higher education arena to allow basically an unlimited amount of students to take a course, often taught by renown professors at some of the top universities, such as MIT, Yale and Harvard. Top top it off, these courses are free. In recent years, companies have been exploring and implementing the use of MOOCs to train their staff and improve their bottom line. A great article from eLearning Industry Magazine boasts 6 benefits of using MOOCs for training in the corporate world. Use these benefits to show how a blended learning solution, like MOOCs, can improve the overall return on investment, create a more dynamic training solution, and increase motivation in your employees.
To learn more about MOOCs, you can access an online course that takes the learner through the evolution of MOOCs, the theories behind MOOCs, and several interactive lessons. This course was made with Moodle, an open-source learning management system that we can help create for your business or organization. Click here to get started.